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Sunday 24 May 2015

Add Twitter Floating Follow Us Badge For Blogger

10:40 am

twitter badge
Twitter is best platform for sharing your latest blog update time to time. So it necessary for every blogger to also concentrate towards its followers and try to adopt the every possible method which help to increase our followers. As recently i also introduce twitter flying bird widget which is very famous and popular gadget for increasing twitter followers. But if you don't want to use any kind of bird then this sidebar floating twitter widget will be helpful for you. I hope that you also like it. This twitter floating is stylish and also don't take load. But the best part is this is a floating badge means it will not cover the space of your content or sidebar area which is also beneficial.

How To Add This Twitter Badge ?

  • Firstly Go To Blogger Dashboard >> Then Layout Tab
  • Now Click the Add a Gadget.
  • Then Copy the below given code.

<!-- Twitter follow badge code starts -->
<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script><script type='text/javascript' charset='utf-8'><!--
tfb.account = 'iTricks';
tfb.label = 'follow-us';
tfb.color = '#35ccff';
tfb.side = 'r'; = 136;
<!-- Twitter follow badge code End -->

  • Now paste this code in Gadget Box and Replace itricks with your username
  •  Then click on the save button
  • You have done and twitter badge is live on your blog.
I hope you like this badge but if you face any problem in this tutorial then must your views in comments.


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